Shilajit and Amino Acids-an Overview

Shilajit and Amino Acids-an Overview

We have already established the fact that Shilajit is full of many beneficial components. It consists of various minerals, vitamins, fulvic acids, and amino acids. All these are extremely important for our overall health. Shilajit is a pale-brown to blackish-brown exudate from rocks in the Himalayan ranges of the Indian subcontinent. It is neither a plant nor an animal substance; but is a mineral resin that oozes from the rocks of the Himalayas. In this week’s blog, we will focus on one of the above-mentioned components of shilajit and that is the amino acids.

Before moving further let us first understand that amino acids are basically the building blocks of protein and that is why they are so important for the human body. Proteins are large, dense molecules that are essential to numerous bodily processes. They perform most of their work within cells and are necessary for developing, maintaining, and regulating the body’s tissues and organs. Proteins consist of hundreds or thousands of smaller building blocks called amino acids linked together in long chains.

Importance of amino acids?

Amino acids are the monomers that makeup proteins. Amino acids are building

blocks of proteins in principle and are crucial for the human body.

When we eat proteins, they are broken down into smaller parts of the stomach with the help of stomach acid. These smaller parts are called amino acids. The body then integrates them into its cells and it can be easily said that amino acids are an integral part of every cell. The importance of amino acids can be understood from the fact that the cell membrane is made up of 75% fat and 25% protein and if we lack protein, the body cannot form new cells, it cannot regenerate, and as a result, our immune system drops. Amino acids make up nails, hair, and skin, as well as hormones.

Proteins consist of 20 different types of amino acids. Throughout our lives, these bodily proteins are constantly fixed and replaced. Therefore, a constant supply of amino acids is necessary for this process. Although some amino acids can regenerate by breaking down old biological proteins, the process is inefficient. Hence the need for dietary as well as supplementary protein intake, especially in crucial stages of life when cell and tissue growth is necessary. In addition, amino acids are involved in the transport of nutrients throughout the body and are an integral part of hemoglobin. They affect the acid-base balance in the blood and represent a source of energy.

Essential amino acids:

In nutrition, amino acids are classified as either essential or non-essential. These classifications resulted from early studies on human nutrition, which showed that specific amino acids were required for growth or nitrogen balance even when there is an adequate amount of alternative amino acids. Essential amino acids, also known as indispensable amino acids, are amino acids that humans cannot synthesize from metabolic liaises. These amino acids must be supplied from an exogenous diet because the human body lacks the metabolic pathways required to synthesize these amino acids. Although variations are possible depending on the metabolic state of an individual, the generally held thought is that there are nine essential amino acids:

  1. Phenylalanine
  2. Valine
  3. Tryptophan
  4. Threonine
  5. Isoleucine
  6. Methionine
  7. Histidine
  8. Leucine
  9. Lysine

Infants and young children also need arginine due to undeveloped metabolic systems. Non-essential amino acids that the body can synthesize by itself are glycine, glutamate, glutamine, proline, serine, tyrosine, alanine, asparagine, aspartate, and cysteine. The non-essential, also known as dispensable amino acids, can be excluded from a diet. The human body can synthesize these amino acids using only the essential amino acids.

For most physical states in a healthy adult, the above nine amino acids are the only essential amino acids. However, amino acids like arginine and histidine may be considered conditionally essential because the body cannot synthesize them in sufficient quantities during certain physiological periods of growth, including pregnancy, adolescent growth, or recovery from trauma.

This was all about amino acids and the role they play in the human body. Coming back to our main topic, shilajit, and amino acids, what is the connection?

Amino acids found in shilajit

Shilajit is known to consist of several amino acids including essential as well as non-essential amino acids. Shilajit contains a lot of glycine which is a non-essential amino acid and up to 1 percent of different amino acids. These are mainly glutamine, histidine, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, lysine, arginine, and valine.

Glutamine is the most abundant and versatile amino acid in the body. Glutamine is an amino acid that is needed to maintain normal gastrointestinal and muscle function. Glutamine is produced in the muscles and is distributed by the blood to the organs that need it. In health and disease, the rate of glutamine consumption by immune cells is similar to or greater than glucose.

Histidine is orally taken by some people for metabolic syndrome, diarrhea caused by cholera infection, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic diseases, ulcers, and anemia caused by kidney failure or kidney dialysis.

Phenylalanine is an amino acid found in many foods and used by your body to produce proteins and other important molecules. It has been studied for its effects on depression, pain, and skin disorders. Overall, methionine is directly or indirectly involved in many important processes in the body.

Methionine is an amino acid found in many proteins, including the proteins in foods and those found in the tissues and organs of your body. Additionally, methionine plays a critical role in starting the process of making new proteins inside your cells, something that is continuously occurring as older proteins breaks down.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that cannot be produced by the human body and must be obtained through your diet, primarily from animal or plant-based protein sources.  It’s also used to produce niacin, which is essential in creating the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Isoleucine is one of nine essential amino acids in humans (present in dietary proteins), Isoleucine has diverse physiological functions, such as assisting wound healing, detoxification of nitrogenous wastes, stimulating immune function, and promoting secretion of several hormones. This is the oxygen-carrying pigment inside red blood cells. It may help control blood sugar. It may also boost energy and endurance. It’s also said to help speed the healing of injured muscles. Isoleucine may also help muscle development and lean body mass.

Lysine is an essential amino acid because your body cannot make it, so you need to obtain it from food. It’s important for normal growth and muscle turnover and is used to form carnitine, a substance found in most cells of your body. What’s more, it helps transport fats across your cells to be burned for energy. Lysine may play a role in reducing anxiety. One study found that it blocked receptors involved in stress response. Researchers observed that rats given lysine had reduced rates of stress-induced loose bowel movements. It’s also believed that lysine increases calcium absorption in your gut and helps your kidneys to hold on to the mineral.

Arginine is one of many amino acids the body needs to function properly. It is an amino acid that works to ensure normal vascular function. The body can use the protein to help build muscle and rebuild tissue. As a result, researchers have investigated the effectiveness of arginine in the treatment of severe wounds and tissue waste in serious illnesses. Occasionally, a person’s need for arginine may exceed the body’s ability to produce or consume it naturally. This is often true for older adults or people with certain medical conditions.

Valine is one of three branched-chain amino acids (the others are leucine and isoleucine) that enhance energy, increase endurance, and aid in muscle tissue recovery and repair.



Since our bodies cannot make all amino acids, we must consume some necessary amino acids through our diets from various foods. A balanced diet complete with the necessary amino acids is very important for the proper function of the body. For a healthy life, it is essential to eat a diet as well as supplements with a proper balance of good-quality proteins; namely, essential amino acids, which cannot be made by the body.

Shilajit with all its amino acids makes a great supplement to assist your diet for a healthy lifestyle. Shilajit has proven to be a better influence in so many lives. With all of the mentioned beneficial ingredients, it will affect every aspect of your life. From the way you manage stress, work, and perform in sports or even sleep. Since your health is of utmost priority it is imperative that you only use the best product available.

Why Shilajit USA?

Choosing a reputable source, like Shilajit USA is very important for the supplement to be effective and safe. Shilajit USA directly sources shilajit above 18,000 ft. from the Himalayan range near K2 Mountain. We only select the best gold grade and discard all other material that is of inferior quality. Purified at source using ancient techniques, glacial water, and sun; we are privileged to introduce the K2 Himalayan Gold graded shilajit – the finest standard you can buy. Our Shilajit is fairly traded where villagers are earning full value for their hard work and we are supporting communities by giving back a percentage of our sales for health care and education. We are making a difference in people’s lives and now you have an opportunity to make a difference too by choosing us.


The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sources and reading material: Biochemistry, Essential Amino Acids by Michael J. Lopez; Shamim S. Mohiuddin.

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